Hi there! Emily here. Thanks for your interest in Emily Makes Soaps.
I've long been curious about enhancing my body care routine to help address my dry! dry! dry! and sensitive skin. I have spent a lot of time (and money!) trying different and varied beauty products. Some worked, and many never did. I've been researching natural products and mixing and matching herbs and essential oils for years. And I've broadened my search to include homemade soaps and body care products. I spent some time getting a graduate degree in chemistry. Now, Emily Makes Soaps is the culmination of this exploration and training and I'm happy to share my findings with you.
The adventure doesn't stop at body care. I've realized that homemade soaps and detergent bars have many applications: from hair and body to dishes and laundry! Stay tuned as I release new products.
The beauty of bars and soaps is that they are plastic-free and don't waste fossil fuels shipping excess water to customers. By supporting my store - you're limiting your environmental impact. Way to go!
Thanks for sharing your exploration for new products with me! If you have any questions or suggestions, send an email to emilymakessoaps@gmail.com.